Radio Grind presents...The Experience: Part IV The Dirty Grind IAC Literary, Visual & Theatrical Art
VisitRadio Grind presents...The Experience: Part IV
The Dirty Grind IAC Family of Literary, Visual and Theatrical Artists
Described as "one of the grid's friendliest communities," The Dirty Grind Independent Artist Community invites you to expirience the magic of their family of indie musicians, visual and performing artists, and authors from around the world.
Comtinue your exploration through the five-experience journey through the arts in VR. This is a living world and evolving as the platform grows.
The Dirty Grind Independent Artist Community's literary artists are Anna Bardin and Mathew Perrault. The current family of visual artists consists of Winston Ackland, Toysoldier Thor, thejennybunny. Tallulah Winterwolf, Suzen Juel, Sina Souza, Silas Merlin, Paula Cloudpainter, Maghda, Kiesta Aljon, JudiLynn, Johannes1977 Resdent, Enola Vaher
and Bloo Ansar. Our theatrical artist is Gish Guardian-Birdsong.