Pink Parkour
VisitPink Parkour invites you to a thrilling game in Sansar where running and jumping are your keys to success! Huge thanks to everyone who helped for their exceptional building and scripting skills!
Tiki and TheNick : TKMEDIA assistance to play two media streams!
XMAXTH69 : It all started with this game, Sprintbreaker! Get the Template today ON THE MARKETPLACE including the scripts!
VitaminC : Design consultant
Take the teleport to the dance floor to celebrate your achievements or you can grab the elevator up to the dance floor to watch all the action in safety
Whether you're a seasoned parkour expert or just starting out, Pink Parkour offers an exciting and immersive experience that will keep you on your toes. Lace up your virtual shoes, and get ready to run and jump your way to victor and see your high score on the board for all to admire!
#iHeartParkour #MetaverseAdventure #ParkourChallenge #VirtualDanceFloor #SparklingGems #Sansar #GamingCommunity #VirtualWorld #GamingExperience #ThanksTeam