Virtual and Augmented Reality to Enhance Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Conference


VR4HE - Round Table 2018 November 28th
Please joining us for a Round Table to finish off the topics from the recent VR conference at Swansea University.

The Round Table will be held in Sansar on the 28th of November and start 2pm

Rhian Kerton MEng PGCLT CEng MRAeS SFHEA will be chairing the session to be joined by:

Dr Evan Leighton – Swansea University
Sam Watts – Make Real
Samantha Chester - Loughborough University
Dr Marc Holmes – Swansea University

The topics for discussion will be:

Virtual Magacorps: Can we trust Facebook and others with our education in VR?

Inclusivity of VR: Who are we leaving behind? Who is getting new access!

Killer Apps: What’s the most useful applications of VR?
Q&A for audience

VR/AR Conference Sepetember 2018

Virtual and Augmented Reality to Enhance Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.

read the posters and see the videos in the space